Collateral damage ...
I am not the only victim of MacEwan Administration. While a core group of Administrators directed the actions against me, other people were drawn in as required. Their termination or resignation correlates with when when their actions against me failed or were exposed.
- Sean Hillman, FA Professional Resource Officer
- Samantha Kernahan, in-house Legal Counsel
- Susan May, Associate Vice President Academic
- Brian Pearson, Human Resources Director
- Jeff Wasalenchuk, Acting Human Resources Director
Other people were involved in varying capacities, and may have pertinent information.
- the members of the Investigative Committee: Susan May, Meghan Abbott, Lynn Sugden, Judee Onyskiw, Sandra Rollings-Magnussen
- the members of Hilts' "Circle of friends"
- the FA Executive (past and present)
- Terrance Harris
- Lana Larocque
- Charles MacDonald
- Michelle Plouffe
- Sharon Richardson
- Tim Schultz
- Ammy Villagomez
- Mary Anne Wilkinson
- Gary Bennett (VP @ Pearson Education)
- David Jolliffe (VP @ Pearson Education)
- Tracy _____ (Pearson Education)
I would like to hear from these people, and from anyone else with information on the actions against me.
- What was your involvement?
- What pressures were put on you to make certain decisions? By whom?
- The people you were working with, what was their reaction to the pressures?
- Were you aware of the significance of your actions? Of ulterior motives by supervisors and administrators?
- What discussions occurred after learning of my departure?
- Now that you are aware of the information herein, what additional comments do you have?